Ever wanted to feel more confident and have a more positive effect of those who influence your success? Well now you can

Maximising Your Potential
To truly succeed in the modern world, self promotion and an understanding of both mens fashion and mens style is really important. No longer do badly fitting clothes, mismatched outfits and poor grooming measure up in practice. If the latter sounds like you, it’s time to take action and maximise your potential. It’s amazing how when you expand your confidence and create a personal brand, the things you will be able to achieve. I offer a bespoke service for men, focusing in on the things which are really important to you (ie. mens fashion), at a point in time that’s right. Here are some that might resonate….

Area Of Interest Cause Benefit to You
Career Perhaps you’re chasing promotion, looking for a new job, recently redundant, facing a changed dress code, trying a new occupation, country or location? Achieve success and all its rewards, career advancement, gaining recognition, maximise earnings potential, gain authority and give your confidence a kick start
Relationships Perhaps you’re newly dating, divorced, or just simply want to ‘keep the sparkle’ going in current relationships? Converting 1st dates into 2nd, getting confident to hit the dating scene again, being happy in a current relationship
Physical Changes Perhaps you’ve changed weight, gone grey, lost hair or coping with colour blindness Dress with confidence and with the best effect for you, brighten yourself up, adapt to less hair or a new shape
Money & Time Management Perhaps you don’t have a good understanding of either mens fashion or mens style, you waste lots of time shopping as you’re confused about what to buy and waste money on clothes you never wear Be confident in your understanding of mens style and mens fashion and make effective purchases that will always deliver against your objectives

Here’s how
We deliver a unique combination of image consultancy and performance life coaching that focuses on making the best of you, at a point in time that’s right. This is shaped into five easy stages which can be tailored for your individual budget and goals. Click on the pages above to find out more.

What if you don’t take action?
You may not achieve your true potential in your career, be overlooked for promotion, made redundant, lack the authority you need, be paid less, struggle to convert first dates, make calls that are never returned and feel unsure about the mens style and mens fashion you wear.

What if you do?
You could learn more about yourself, what drives and motivates you, what makes you look and feel great. You could maximise your performance, gain recognition, get paid more, convert dates into relationships and achieve the success you deserve.

Your Next Steps
Click here to read about people who have a tried a consultation. Or just give me a call, or send me an email to find out more about what I can do to help you. Start the ball rolling by arranging your first session, Defining Your USP. It will change your life forever!

T: 07989 322 328
E: coach@alisonharker.com